Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: August 01, 2017

Last Modified: October 18, 2017

This service and site is for Adults only.

We have placed this detail over and above all of our other terms because it is the most important (although it is also referenced below). Please note that the eFlutter.com platform is only open to consenting adults looking to express themselves in the form of streaming video and messaging. We have zero tolerance for any minors on the eFlutter.com platform, whether such individuals are actually minors or pretending to be minors perhaps in a misguided attempt at role-play. Moreover, we have zero tolerance for any image of any minor being uploaded to our platform for any reason. Please be advised that we reserve the right to and do report each and every suspected minor to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and any and all other law enforcement agencies we feel appropriate. If you believe that a minor is using the site, we request and encourage members to report each and every user he or she encounters which he or she believes or suspects to be under the age of 18. All reports are reviewed within minutes (if not seconds) of being received. If you are a minor, you must immediately leave this site now. You are not legally permitted on eFlutter.com for any reason, and if we find you on this site, we will report you to law enforcement as noted above. We will not reactivate you for any reason ever.


With respect to all other matters, we have attempted to keep our rules to a minimum only imposing those we feel are necessary for the safety of our users and the continued operation of eFlutter.com.  eFlutter.com simply registers you on websites and creates a website and social media sites for you to perform, sell, and advertise yourself.  You must be 18 years old to use our services. If you falsify documents or falsly claim your age as 18 or above and we discover this you will be immediately removed from our site and any services we provide for you will be cancelled.  Further we will attempt to contact other websites where you are registered to work and notify them of your age.  In any and all cases you are completely (legally, financially, etc.) responsible for any incorrect or misinformation that you provide.


Disclaimer and Indemnity

We may register you, advertise you, sell your photos or videos on other websites. In the event that you perform or work on any other sites it is your responsibility to completely adhere to and understand their Terms and Conditions (Agreements) and to not violate them.  You understand that any site where you are working or performing or advertising has the right to ban you from their site.  We do NOT guarantee your work on other websites nor will we represent you in any form, including legally, in the event that any dispute arises between you and any other site or company.  You agree to completely indemnify eFlutter.com, its partner and subsidiary companies, and its owners and employees from any disputes or legal cases between you and any other party.


When you sign up for or otherwise use any service within the eFlutter.com website (collectively, the “Site” “we” “our” “us” or other appropriate first-person terms as appropriate), all of which services are hereinafter referred to collectively as the “Service,” you agree to all of the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement. Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully, as they form the agreement between you, as the Site user (referred to in this Agreement as “User” “you” “your” or other appropriate second-person terms), and the Site (such agreement is referred to herein as the “Agreement”). IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU MAY NOT USE THE SERVICE, AND SHOULD NOT PROCEED TO REGISTER OR OTHERWISE USE THE SERVICE. BY USING THE SERVICE, YOU ARE DEMONSTRATING YOUR WILLINGNESS TO BE BOUND BY THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS MADE FROM TIME TO TIME.


  1. Right to Use. Your right to use the Service is subject to any limitations, conditions and restrictions established by us from time to time, in our sole discretion. We may alter, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Service or the Site at any time, including the availability of any Service feature, database or content. We may also impose limits on certain features and aspects of the Service or restrict your access to all or part of the Service without notice or liability.
  2. THIS SERVICE IS FOR ADULTS ONLY! You represent, warrant and covenant that you are at least 18 years old or the age of majority in your jurisdiction, whichever is older (the “Age of Majority”). The Site and Service are intended for adults only. By using the Site and Service you agree that you have reached the Age of Majority. We reserve the right to terminate your account if we, in our sole and absolute discretion, believe you are in violation of this requirement. We additionally reserve the right to terminate your account and report you to the proper authorities in the event that we suspect, in our sole and absolute discretion, that someone who is not the Age of Majority has used your account.
    1. All depictions of any persons on the Site are provided under an obligation of the producer thereof to upload or stream videos or images portraying persons over the age of 18 as of the date of the production of the depiction. We undertake great measures to ensure that no underage models appear in any video or image on the Site. We report all images or videos of minors to law enforcement, including the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (“NCMEC”) regardless of the state of dress of such minor or the purported purpose for posting the video or pic. We will not contact you prior to reporting such images. We will simply terminate your account and provide the suspect images and all information to NCMEC. DO NOT UPLOAD OR STREAM ANY IMAGES OF ANY MINOR FOR ANY REASON.
    2. If you are seeking any form of child pornography (including so-called “virtual” child pornography), you must exit the Site immediately. We do not provide this kind of material and we do not tolerate those who provide this kind of material, nor do we tolerate consumers of such material.
    3. In order to further our zero-tolerance policy, you agree to report any images which you have reason to believe depict minors on any Site where you are performing by contacting the administration of that site. Include with your report any appropriate evidence, including the date and time of identification. All reports will be investigated and the appropriate action will be taken based upon our reasonable ability to verify the evidence provided.
    4. We unreservedly cooperate with any law-enforcement agency investigating child pornography. If you suspect other outside websites are participating in unlawful activities involving minors, please report them to asacp.org.
  4. Code of Conduct. You agree to use the Service in accordance with the eFlutter.com’s Code of Conduct as well as Code of Conduct from any other Site where you work or perform.  You understand that it is your responsibility to read and accept any policies from other Sites including but not limited to:  Terms and Conditions (Agreements), Privacy Policies, Code of Conduct.  Below is our Code of Conduct:
    1. eFlutter.com provides you access to, and may register you with other companies’, online services comprising information and materials created and posted, uploaded, or streamed by you and other users of the Site and/or Service (each a “Contributor”).
    2. You are solely responsible for any information that you post, display or transmit through the Site and/or Service, whether you do this through our company or directly through another company that you work on or where we may have registered you.. You agree to keep all information contained on or provided through the Site and/or Service as private and confidential, and agree not give such information to anyone without the permission of the person who provided it to you;
    3. You are aware that the Service contains explicit adult-oriented materials, provided only by and to consenting users who are at least the Age of Majority;
    4. In the event that you request, upload, stream and/or share any image(s) of any minor, as mentioned above, we will not contact you. We will simply terminate your account and report you to NCMEC and any and all law enforcement that we, in our sole and exclusive discretion, determine appropriate;
    5. You will not use the Service to engage in any form of harassment or offensive behavior, including, but not limited to, the posting or sharing of any message, picture or recording, which contains may be libelous, slanderous, harassing, abusive or contain defamatory statements; or racist, obscene, offensive or other language which is not in accordance with your local laws and community standards;
    6. Contributors and other users are allowed to freely interact with other users or Contributors on the Site, or they may choose to block other Contributors or users from communicating with them, and it is completely up to each Contributor or user to choose who they talk to on the Site. Contributors and users are free to ignore anyone and may ban anyone from communicating with them;
    7. You will not post any message, picture or recording, or use the Service in any way that:
      1. Violates, plagiarizes or infringes upon the rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, any copyright or trademark law, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights, or
      2. Is fraudulent or otherwise constitutes unlawful conduct in connection with your use of the Service, or violates any law.
    8. You will not use the Service to distribute, promote or otherwise publish any material that constitutes or contains solicitation of funds, advertising or solicitation for goods or services;
    9. Your access to the Service is for your own personal use only. You may not allow others to use the Service using your account(s) and you may not transfer your account(s) to any other person;
    10. You will not use the Service to infringe on any privacy right, property right, or other civil right of any person; and
    11. You will not publish or forward any chain letters, advertisements, spam, or any similar commercial message through the Service.
  5. Illegal and Prohibited Conduct. In addition to the above Code of Conduct Contributors are prohibited from doing any of the following:
    1. There can be no minors, children, babies or unauthorized persons on camera or in the same room. In the event a minor appears on camera, even for a second, we will immediately report you to NCMEC and any and all law enforcement that we consider appropriate in our sole and absolute discretion.
    2. Bestiality, or animals/pets on camera in a sexual or provocative context, or illegal drugs (or drugs that may be perceived as illegal in certain locations, such as medicinal marijuana) are strictly prohibited.
    3. Sleeping on camera (whether real or acting/pretending) is not permitted.
    4. Overly large sex toys or animal-shaped sex toys may not be used on camera, and objects may not be used as sex toys unless they are normally marketed and sold for that purpose. Email the support team where you may be performing or working for authorization and provide a detailed proposal to incorporate any type of mechanical device, tool, “sex machine” or other unusual equipment into your performance (whether controlled by you or controlled remotely by users of the Site). They may require you to sign a waiver and release of liability in order to use certain devices on the Site, and any authorization or permission we give to you may be revoked by us at any time and for any reason, without notice, in our sole and absolute discretion. This is your responsibility and eFlutter.com is not liable for your failure to follow the rules of other websites.
    5. Performing while intoxicated, whether from alcohol or drugs (prescription, legal or illegal), is strictly prohibited.
    6. Incest (sexual relations involving family members) is not allowed.
    7. Excessively degrading dialog or verbal abuse is not allowed.
    8. Displays or reference to menstruation is not permitted.
    9. “Bukakke” scenes are not allowed.
    10. “Goatse” displays are prohibited.
    11. Illegal or unsafe activities of any kind, including violence, blood, torture, pain, erotic asphyxiation, fisting, rape themes, or any actions associated with bringing harm to you, in any way, are prohibited.
    12. Contributors may not broadcast from a public place, or from a studio or set that creates the impression that the Contributor is in a public place.
    13. Contributors are prohibited from broadcasting outdoors unless the broadcast is done from private property, with the property owner’s consent, and in an area that is not visible from any neighboring property.
    14. A Contributor may not discuss or arrange prostitution or escort services.
    15. Any action that may be deemed obscene in your community is prohibited.
    16. Contributors may exchange information with users of the Site, including contact information, but Contributors MAY NOT use users’ information to provide webcam shows or receive payments outside of the Site. If a Contributor sells something to a user (such as the Contributor’s underwear) or enters into any other transaction with a user of the Site, the sale must be completed in exchange for Virtual Money (defined below).
    17. Contributors are not allowed to advertise commercial websites that offer live webcam streams, under any circumstances; but they are allowed to mention their own personal profiles, homepages and wish lists.
    18. Contributors are not allowed to ask for other users’ account information, or to log on to the Site using any account that does not belong exclusively to that Contributor.
    19. Contributors are prohibited from making any statements, written or verbal, or cause or encourage others to make any statements, written or verbal, which defame, disparage, or in any way criticize the Site or Service.
  6. This list is not exclusive, and we may, at any time, prohibit any activity that we determine, in our sole and absolute discretion, to be inappropriate. We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the Service at any time, with or without notice, for engaging in any inappropriate activity.
  7. Privacy and Use of Information. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any third party, except as set forth in our Privacy Policy.
  8. Content Posted on the Site.
    1. By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, you represent and warrant that any images or video you upload to the Site or any other sites do not in any way infringe on any third party’s intellectual property or other rights. The Site hereby asserts immunity with respect to all content provided by Contributors, members or other third parties, as provided by law, including, but not limited to, under the Communications Decency Act. Users and others are prohibited from uploading, sharing or in any way sharing or describing to anyone on or through the Site/Service any images or matters which, in our sole opinion, might be illegal or offensive, including, but not limited to, any content involving bestiality, urination or other bodily excretions, defamatory material or otherwise obscene material or any conduct that violates the prohibitions set forth under eFlutter.com’s Code of Conduct or any part of this Agreement. You may not use the Service or the Site to solicit any information that might be used for unlawful purposes or encourages unlawful activities.
    2. We do not claim any ownership rights in the text, files, images, photos, video, sounds, musical works, works of authorship, applications, or any other materials (collectively, the “Materials”) that you transmit, submit, display or publish (“post”) on the Site or through or in connection with the Service. After posting the Materials on the Site or through or in connection with the Service, you continue to retain any such rights that you may have in such Materials, subject to the license granted herein. By posting the Materials on the Site or through or in connection with the Service, you hereby grant to the Site a non-exclusive, fully-paid and royalty-free, sub-licensable, and worldwide license to use, modify, delete from, add to, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute the Material, including, without limitation, distributing all or part of the Materials, in any media formats and through any media channels. In addition to the foregoing license, you hereby authorize us to send takedown demands, pursuant to the United States’ Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), to any service provider hosting reproductions of the Materials that have been taken from the Site (e.g., a video clip bearing our watermark).
    3. You may not use the Site or Service for commercial purposes, including, but not limited to, marketing, advertising of goods or services, any investment opportunities, contests, or similar activities. Additionally, we reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to immediately suspend your account, seek injunctive relief, seek civil redress and/or report any conduct that violates these Terms and Conditions to any and all law enforcement agencies that may have jurisdiction over the matter. In the event any actions or proceedings are brought against the Site as a result of any content you have shared in, or as a result of you engaging in any prohibited activities, you agree to indemnify and hold the Site harmless with respect to all costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees that the Site may incur as a consequence of your posting of such content or engaging in such prohibited activities.
  9. Members’ Obligations Under 18 U.S.C. §2257. You should be aware that, pursuant to United States federal law, any visual depictions that you post, share or perform on the Site or through the Service which portray “actual sexually explicit conduct”, “depictions of the genitals or pubic area”, or “simulated sexually explicit activity”, as those terms are defined in 18 U.S.C. §2256(2)(A)(i)-(iv) and §2257A, require that you maintain the records listed under 18 U.S.C. §2257, and any such postings must contain a “18 U.S.C. §2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement.” Your failure to comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. §2257 may make you subject to criminal and civil prosecution for the violation of federal law.
  10. Use of Information on Service. You acknowledge and agree that:
    1. We cannot ensure the security or privacy of information you provide through the Internet or otherwise. You release us from any and all liability in connection with the breach of the security of such information and/or messages and with respect to the use of such information by other parties;
    2. We are not responsible for, and cannot control, the use of any information, by anyone, that you provide to other parties through the Service. Use caution in deciding what personal information you share with others through the Service.
    3. We cannot assume any responsibility for the content of any message sent by any user on the Service. You release us from any and all liability in connection with the content(s) of any communication(s) you may receive from other users.
    4. You will not bring legal action against the Site or any of its employees, officers or agents for any damages of any kind, under any theory, as a consequence of using the Service.
    5. Any and all images uploaded to the Site or through the Service become licensed property of the Site and may be used by the Site, without any restriction(s), as marketing materials free of any restrictions. By accepting this Agreement and its Terms and Conditions you specifically authorize us to use any images you upload to the Site/Service for marketing the Site and Service, in our sole discretion and you further agree that you allow the Site to earn money off this property.  The Site is not required to disclose monetary gains in any form to you.
    6. You may not use the Service or Site for any unlawful purpose. We may refuse to grant you or discontinue your use of any username, for whatever reason, including, for example, if the username you have chosen impersonates or suggests you are someone else, is protected by trademark or proprietary law, or is vulgar or otherwise offensive, as determined by us in our sole discretion.
  11. On- or Off-Site Interactions/Meetings. The Site does not recommend or condone any form of user interaction between users outside of the Site and, as disclosed elsewhere in this Agreement, your use of the Site and your interactions through the Site are done at your own risk. Use of any website to arrange face-to-face meetings for the purpose of engaging in illegal activity is strictly prohibited and will subject your account to immediate termination. If you elect to legally interact with any user of the Service outside of the Site or sites where you work, you do so at your own risk, and you acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for any consequences of your election to interact with anyone, whether in person or otherwise, outside of the Site.
  12. You should, at a minimum, consider the following precautions if meeting or corresponding with anyone on any social networking site:
    1. Anyone who is able to commit identity theft can also falsify a user profile.
    2. There is no substitute for acting with caution when communicating with any stranger who wants to meet you.
    3. Never include your last name, email address, home address, phone number, place of work, or any other identifying information in your user profile or initial email messages. Immediately stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal or financial information or attempts in any way to trick you into revealing it.
    4. If you choose to have a face-to-face meeting with another user, always tell someone in your family or a friend where you are going and when you will return. Never agree to be picked up at your home. Always provide your own transportation to and from the meeting, and meet in a public place with many people around.
    5. All the money and gifts you send to other users, whether directly or indirectly, through the Site or outside of the Site, is done at your own risk. We will not intervene or become involved in any dispute between users.
  13. Your Representations and Warranties. By using the Service, you thereby affirmatively acknowledge, represent, and warrant the truth and accuracy of each of the statements below:
    1. You understand and agree that by registering and using eFlutter.com and or its subsidiaries or affiliates you give us the right to register you, advertise, sell, promote, etc. you, your photos, videos, property, image, texts, blogs, name, or anything else that pertains to you and your work in this sphere for free and without claim, recourse, compensation, etc.
    2. You are not prohibited by law from using the Service and that you have the legal right, authority and capacity to enter into this Agreement and to abide by all of its Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time.
    3. You are familiar with the laws in your area that may affect your legal right to access erotica or adult-oriented material, you have the legal right to access such material, and the Site has the legal right to transmit such material to you in your location.
    4. You understand that by using the Service you will be exposed to visual images, verbal descriptions, audio/sounds and other features and/or products of a sexually-oriented, openly erotic nature which may include graphic visual depictions and descriptions of nudity and sexual activity, and you are voluntarily choosing to proceed with your use of the Service because you want to view, read, hear or order such content, materials or products and because you enjoy such content, materials or products, available on the Site or through the Service for your own personal enjoyment, information and/or education.
    5. Your choice to use the Service is a manifestation of your interest in sexual matters, which you believe is healthy and normal and which, in your experience, is generally shared by the average adult in your community.
    6. You are familiar with the standards in your community regarding acceptance of sexually oriented materials, and the materials you expect to encounter through use of the Service are within your community standards.
    7. In your judgment, the average adult in your community (i) accepts the consumption of adult-oriented materials by willing adults in circumstances such as those under which the Service is provided (i.e., offering reasonable insulation from such materials for minors and unwilling adults); and (ii) would not find such materials to appeal to a prurient interest or to be patently offensive.
    8. It is your desire to share or to invite others to share your own private and personal behaviors and to comment, rate, criticize, organize and recommend based on what you are exposed to by your use of the Service, while inviting others to do the same.
    9. You have not notified any governmental agency, including the U.S. Postal Service, that you do not wish to receive sexually oriented material.
    10. The Site provides access to an online service comprising information and materials created and posted, uploaded, or streamed by you and other users (each a “Contributor”).
    11. Video and images on the Site that are available for viewing (the “Content”) are stored on or streamed through our servers at the direction of our users.
    12. Any modification of the Content that is uploaded or streamed by users of any websites, such as the addition of a watermark, is done via an automated process. As a result, because the Contributor is aware that such modifications take place automatically upon transmission of the Content, the Contributor shall be deemed the party responsible for such automatic modification and shall be considered the “author” of such automatically modified Content. The Site is not responsible for modifications that occur to Content as part of any automatic transmission process whether it is done by eFlutter.com or any of the websites where the model is registered, performing, selling, or advertising on, etc..
    13. Any review of uploaded or streamed Content that may be performed by the Site before or after making such Content available to the public is cursory and only intended to identify immediately or patently obvious violations of this Agreement. Accordingly, and despite any such gatekeeping, the Contributor uploading or streaming any Content shall be deemed the party at whose direction that Content is available to others through use of the Service.
    14. The Site has never directed, and never will direct, its users to upload or stream Content that infringes upon any right of a third party. Uploading or streaming Content that infringes on third-party rights constitutes a direct and material violation of this Agreement and will subject the uploading or streaming Contributor’s account to suspension and/or termination where appropriate.
    15. The Site has no right or ability to control the activities of Contributors who create, post, upload, or stream Content through the Site or Service. In the event that a Contributor infringes upon a third party’s rights by creating, posting, uploading, or streaming infringing Content, that Contributor is the sole responsible party for such infringement, and the Site has no control over such activity and no liability therefor.
    16. The Site appropriately presumes that the Contributor uploading or streaming any Content is the holder of all exclusive rights to that Content, except where the Content itself bears some obvious indication to the contrary, such as a visible proprietary mark identifying a person or entity other than the Contributor as the exclusive rights holder.
    17. Where Content contains no obvious proprietary marking that indicates an exclusive owner different from the Contributor, the Site shall not be deemed to have actual or imputed knowledge that such Content infringes upon any third party’s rights.
    18. Apart from identifying an obvious proprietary marking in any Content that indicates an exclusive owner, the Site has no other ability to determine whether the rights appurtenant to a particular piece of Content may belong to a party other than the uploading or streaming Contributor. As the Site’s only other means of identifying Content that may infringe upon a third party’s rights, the Site relies entirely on properly presented notifications from third parties claiming that their rights have been violated.
    19. Once you have earned the $200 USD, we will create the website and provide you certain access. The website remains the property of eflutter.com.  We have the right to refuse to create a website for you.  
  14. Notice of Intellectual Property Infringement. The Site respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our community members and others to do the same. We voluntarily observe and comply with the DMCA. IT IS eFlutter’S POLICY TO TERMINATE ACCOUNTS OF REPEAT COPYRIGHT INFRINGERS WHEN APPROPRIATE. If you believe that your work has been copied through use of the Service in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or your intellectual property rights have been otherwise violated, please contact the website where you perform and providethe following information:
    1. an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest;
    2. description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed and from where (which site or other) you believe it was infringed.
    3. a description of where on the Service the material that you claim is infringing is located;
    4. your address, telephone number, and email address;
    5. a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and
    6. a statement by you made under penalty of perjury that the information in your Notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner’s behalf.
  15. Send your Notice of Infringement by email to [email protected] and to the websites where you worked.
  16. You may also contact: Lawrence G. Walters, Esq.
  17. 195 W. Pine Avenue
  18. Longwood, FL 32750
  19. Fax: (407) 774-6151
  20. Email: Notice[at]DMCANotice[dot]com
  21. Pics and Video Purchases. The Site may, but is not obligated to, permit users to post Materials that can only be accessed after payment of a specified amount of Virtual Money (“Paid Content”). If you yourself or we post any Paid Content on your behalf, you represent and warrant that (i) the Paid Content you post complies in all respects with the terms of this Agreement; and (ii) you and we have all rights and permissions necessary to post such Paid Content and to permit users to access the same in exchange for payment. We have the absolute right to remove any Paid Content, in whole or in part, for any or no reason at all. In the event any Paid Content you posted results in chargebacks or refund requests from users who have purchased such Paid Content, we reserve the right to assess a chargeback fee to your account and/or suspend your ability to post Paid Content. By purchasing or accessing any Paid Content, you thereby demonstrate your express acknowledgement and agreement that (i) the Site is not the creator or source of such Paid Content; (ii) the user posting Paid Content is solely responsible for any claims or liabilities associated with, arising from, or in any way relating to such Paid Content posted by that user; (iii) your purchase or use of any Paid Content is solely at your own risk; (iv) the Site has no responsibility for viewing or screening any Paid Content; and (v) you forever release the Site, its affiliates, successors, assigns, officers, employees, agents, directors, shareholders and attorneys from any and all claims and liabilities associated with, arising from, or in any way relating to Paid Content.
  22. Monitoring of Information. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor any and all messages, blogs, and chats that take place through any of our websites. We cannot and do not monitor where you perform if it is not our website/ company and you are fully responsible to abide by their rules.  We are not responsible for any offensive or obscene Material(s) that may be in anyway transmitted by any users (including unauthorized users, including the possibility of “hackers”). As noted above, we are also not responsible under any circumstances for the use of any personal information, by anyone, that you in anyway transmit through the Service.
  23. Your personal information. Any personal information you provided to us including documents (passport, drivers license, etc.), emails, photos, texts, or any other information which is personal or identifiable you provide with your consent and understanding that we may need to share this information with third parties.  Any third party with whom we share your information may have their own Privacy policy to which we are not responsible for controlling or administering.  You have the right to refuse to provide us information including your documents.  If you would like to specify which places where your information cannot be shared, you may send us an email with your full name, birthdate, and the specific information which cannot be shared and where.  We will make an attempt to fulfill this request, however we do not guarantee this request.  Further we are not liable if your information was shared to these places through or by another site or place where your information resides.  By registering with us you are understanding without exception that your personal information may be shared by us to third party websites or companies and that we are not responsible or liable for how those third party sites or companies share your information.
  24. Termination of Access to the Service. We may, in our sole discretion, terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the Service at any time, with or without notice, for any reason or no reason at all, including, without limitation, breach of this Agreement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, any fraudulent, abusive, or otherwise illegal activity may be grounds for termination of your access to all or part of the Service at our sole discretion, and we reserve the right to refer any such activity to any appropriate law enforcement agencies.
  25. Proprietary Information. The Service contains information that is proprietary to us and/or users of the Service. We assert full copyright protection in the Service, including all of the design and code embodied therein. Any information shared or posted by us or by users of the Service may be protected whether it is identified as proprietary to us or to the user. You agree not to modify, copy or distribute any such information in any manner whatsoever without having first received the express permission of the owner of such information.
  26. No responsibility. We are not responsible for any incidental, consequential, special, punitive, exemplary, direct or indirect damages of any kind whatsoever, which may arise out of or relate to your use of the Service, including but not limited to lost revenues, profits, business or data, or damages resulting from any viruses, worms, “Trojan horses” or other destructive software or materials, or communications by you or other users of the Service, or any interruption or suspension of the Service, regardless of the cause of the interruption or suspension. Any claim against us shall be limited to the amount you paid, if any, for use of the Service during the previous 12 months. This does NOT include any services that you may have used through other websites whether we registered you or you registered yourself on those other sites.  Any claims or disputes you have with other websites may not be transferred upon us nor are we responsible for your or their actions nor are we required to represent you in those cases.  Your work or performance on any site where we may have registered you is your responsibility and liability.  If you choose to unregister from other websites, it is your responsibility to do so, we cannot be held liable if you fail to unregister from other websites.  We may discontinue or change the Service or its availability at any time, and you may stop using the Service at any time. Please see details regarding Cancellation below. We cannot control or be responsible if people find a way to use VPN or other variants to get around the IP address and location blocks and see you.  
  27. Security. Your account is private and may not be used by anyone else under any circumstances. You are responsible for all usage or activity on the Service by users using your login and password, including but not limited to use of your login and password by any third party.
  28. Other Links. The Service may from time to time contain links to other sites and resources (“External Links”). We are not responsible for, and have no liability as a result of, the availability of External Links or their contents.
  29. No Warranties. The Service is distributed on an “as is” and “as available” basis. We do not warrant that the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free. There may be delays, omissions, and interruptions in the availability of the Service. WHERE PERMITTED BY LAW, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE SERVICE IS PROVIDED WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE; NOR DOES THE SITE MAKE ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE RESULTS THAT MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE SERVICES OR AS TO THE ACCURACY OR RELIABILITY OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED THROUGH THE SERVICES OR THAT DEFECTS IN ANY SOFTWARE, HARDWARE OR THE SERVICES WILL BE CORRECTED. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT ANY USE YOU MAKE OF ANY MATERIAL AND/OR DATA DOWNLOADED OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED THROUGH THE USE OF THE SERVICE IS AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK, AND THAT YOU WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEM OR LOSS OF DATA THAT RESULTS FROM THE DOWNLOAD OF SUCH MATERIAL AND/OR DATA. We do not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed, uploaded or distributed through the Service by the Site or any user of the Service or any other person or entity. You acknowledge that any reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement or information shall be at your sole risk.
  30. Modifications. We may modify this Agreement from time to time. Notification of changes in this Agreement will be posted on the Service or sent via email, as determined by us in our sole discretion. If you do not agree to any modifications, you should terminate your use of the Service with us and which includes any sites where we registered you or sell, market, or other your materials or property. Your continued use of the Service now, or following the posting or receipt of notice of any changes in this Agreement, will constitute a binding acceptance by you of this Agreement, as modified.
  31. Nature of Relationship / Disclaimer of Agency. Nothing in this Agreement is intended by you or the Site to constitute an employment relationship, a joint venture, or collaboration between you and the Site. You acknowledge that you are in no way an employee or agent of the Site and as such, you have no authority to act on the Site’s behalf or to bind the Site to any obligation or agreement. This provision also applies to users promoting or making referrals to the Site. You are not required to work to maintain employment.  We have the right at anytime to cancel or refuse to provide you further service.
  32. Disclosure and Other Communication. We reserve the right to send you email for the purpose of informing you of changes or additions to the Service, or of any related products and services offered by the Site or its affiliated entities. We reserve the right to disclose information about your usage of the Service and demographics in ways that do not reveal your personal identity. For a more detailed description of what information we may disclose, please review our Privacy Policy, incorporated in its entirety into and part of this Agreement by this reference.
  33. Tax Documents. To the extent you who receive compensation from the Site (e.g., earnings from other websites, or referral commissions, sales of materials or properties) and we are required by law or deem it necessary to provide you with tax documents related to such compensation, by executing this Agreement, YOU HEREBY AGREE AND CONSENT TO RECEIVE ANY SUCH TAX DOCUMENTS VIA ELECTRONIC MEANS, including via email and/or in Adobe .pdf format. If you do not consent to, or opt-out of, electronic delivery of form 1099, you will receive a paper copy via regular U.S. snail mail. This consent is effective immediately for any tax documents we send you in the future, and will remain in effect until and unless revoked by you in writing. To obtain a paper copy of any tax document we are required to provide or have provided to you, to revoke your consent to electronic delivery of tax documents, or to update your address or contact information on file with us, email [email protected].
  34. Complaints. To resolve or report a complaint regarding the Service or users of the Service, users should send an email detailing their complaint to [email protected]. In appropriate circumstances, we will take immediate action in order to help resolve the problem.
  35. Registration. You may become a user of the Service by completing an online registration form, which must be accepted by the Site. Upon submission of the online registration form, the Site or its authorized agent will process the application. In connection with completing the online registration form, you agree to:
    1. Provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the registration form (“Registration Data”); and
    2. Maintain and promptly update the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete at all times while you remain a user of the Service.
  36. You must promptly inform the Site of all changes to the Registration Data, including, but not limited to, changes in your address, and changes in the credit card information you designated for billing for the Service. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or the Site or any of its authorized agents have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, the Site has the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse your current or future use of the Service and Site, as well as possibly subjecting you to criminal and civil liability. You are responsible for rejected payments and any related fees that we incur with respect to your account. Effective October 17, 2015 we no longer accept payment by check. Any and all checks received by us will be destroyed or returned to you, as we may determine in our sole discretion. We continue to accept payments by ACH.
  37. Member Accounts and Websites. You understand and accept that anywhere where we registered you or sell your products may also be terminated by us if we or you terminate our relationship/agreement.  We have the right to terminate those accounts that we registered for you or under your name.
  38. Promotion of the Site and Service. Registered users of the Service may be eligible to participate in our affiliate advertising program and potentially earn commissions based on the number and quality of registered user referred to the Site.
    1. License to Promotional Items. All registered users of the Site/Service who are currently in compliance with the terms of this Agreement are hereby granted a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to utilize the Site’s name, access and download promotional banners, videos, photographs, other promotional materials, and/or promotional materials created by you, provided that such materials are approved by the Site in writing (“Promotional Items”), for use on site(s) owned by such registered users (“Referral Sites ”). The Promotional Items are licensed to eligible registered users for the limited purposes of advertising, marketing and promoting the Site and Service. Any and all licenses granted to registered users pursuant to this Agreement shall immediately cease and revert to us upon the termination or cancellation of this Agreement. You agree not to share any of the Promotional Items with anyone in any way, which is not in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and applicable law. You hereby acknowledge and agree that all rights to the Promotional Items belong solely to the Site and/or the Site’s licensor(s). You further acknowledge and agree that any Promotional Item(s) created by you and approved by the Site are a specially ordered and commissioned “work made for hire” within the meaning of the 1976 Copyright Act for the good and valuable consideration provided you herein.
    2. Keywords; Domain Names. Notwithstanding the foregoing license to use the names of our Site in connection with referring traffic to the Service, you are not, as a part of this license, permitted to (i) bid on, purchase or otherwise register/use “eFlutter,” “eFlutter.com,” or any other similar spelling, or use same in connection with the words “Official,” “Officially” or “Official Site” as keywords or advertising words on any internet search engines, including without limitation, google.com, bing.com, ask.com, yahoo.com, etc.; use the Site name in association with any similar or competing website or service; or (ii) register any domain name which incorporates or is a “misspelling” or variation of “eFlutter.” You agree that in the event you violate any part of this section of this Agreement, your account will be immediately terminated, any monies earned but not yet paid will be forfeited, and that you will cooperate fully in transferring any items forbidden by this section to the Site as the rightful owner. Subject to the foregoing limitations and pursuant to the license granted herein, eligible registered users will be permitted to use any website domain name they choose in connection with promoting the Site and Service, so long as such website domain name(s) registered does not infringe on our or any third party’s intellectual property rights, or defame, insult or otherwise harass anyone, and does not promote or suggest any illegal activity.
    3. Restrictions. You are prohibited from using any images, text, script(s), applications, logos and functional elements appearing on a Referral Sites, to which you do not have all legal rights, free from any and all encumbrances and third party claims. Further, you represent and warrant that you will only advertise on services and providers that permit advertisement of services such as the Site. You understand and agree that if you advertise on any service or provider that does not permit such advertising, your account will be terminated without notice and without payment or liability. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that we may, at any time, review the contents of any Referral Site and disapprove of any material thereon that might, in our sole discretion, reflect negatively upon the Site or the Service. Upon request from us, such material must be immediately removed in order for you to remain eligible to receive commissions hereunder.
    4. No Email Marketing. We do not permit promotion of the Site by email marketing. You acknowledge and agree that any email marketing by you will be grounds for immediate termination of your account without payment.
    5. Affiliate Referral Link. Each user shall be assigned one or more unique URLs (each a “Affiliate Referral Link ”) that must be used when referring new users in order to connect such new users to the existing user who referred them. Your User Referral Links can be found on the “My Profile” page under the “Share” tab. You acknowledge and agree that we are not obligated to pay any commissions to you for any new user signups or spending that did not directly result from clicking on your User Referral Links.
    6. Commissions on Affiliate Spending. The Site will compensate eligible users, subject to the terms of this Agreement in all respects, a commission for certain types of referrals generated by such eligible users, as set forth in further detail below:
      1. Paying Affiliate Referrals. As used herein, a “Referred Affiliate” means an Internet cam-model who creates a new eFlutter.com cam-model account as a result of clicking an existing cam-model’s Affiliate Referral Link. Eligible cam-models will receive a one time commission of $50 (fifty) US dollars for each cam-model that uses their referral link and registers and earns minimum $200.00 US dollars by performing (working) as webcam model through one of our sites that we register them on.  If the referred cam-model does not earn the minimum $200.00 USD, which will be paid to us from their work by the sites that we register them on, no commission will be paid. This minimum amount we will establish and change, from time to time, in our sole discretion.  If we discover fraudulent use of the affiliate links or if the minimum amount earned is not paid out or involves returns or chargebacks the commission will not be paid or must be returned if paid and eflutter.com has the right to withdraw that amount from any future payouts to the Affiliate whose link was used.  Any fraudulent use of Affiliate links can lead to immediate termination of any accounts associated with this link.
    7. We reserve the right to modify these amounts at any time without further notice to you.
    8. We reserve the right to cancel the Affiliate program at any time without further notice to you.
    9. Commission Payouts. Periods for eligible users to accumulate commissions run from the 1st through the 15th and the 16th through the 31st day of each month. Commission payments will be made to eligible users seven days after each period is closed. In the event that you accumulate a commission, you will not be entitled to receive payment, nor shall the Site be liable for any such payment, unless and until the total amount of accumulated funds associated with your account exceeds Fifty U.S. Dollars (USD $50.00). In order to receive cash commissions, you may be required to complete a one-time claim form, which might include submission of your legal name, a copy of your government-issued photo identification, mailing address, birth date, telephone number, social security number and a selection of a preferred payment method. In addition, depending on the amount of commissions accumulated, you might be required to sign, notarize, and return an affidavit or declaration of eligibility, a liability release, an IRS Form W-9 and provide any additional information as may be required by the Site. Failure to provide any requested information may result in forfeiture of any unpaid commissions. We reserve the right to charge a $10.00 payment reissue fee for replacing lost or misplaced payments that had previously been issued; this fee is assessed at time of reissue.
    10. Invalid Referrals. You acknowledge and agree that you shall not be entitled to any compensation from the Site for any referral if the Site determines or believes, in the Site’s sole discretion, that such referral is the result of possibly fraudulent activity or any violation of this Agreement.
  39. Billing Errors. If you believe that you have been erroneously billed, please notify us immediately of such error. If we do not hear from you within 30 days after such billing error first appears on any account statement, such fee will be deemed acceptable by you for all purposes, including resolution of inquiries made by your credit card issuer. You release us from all liabilities and claims of loss resulting from any error or discrepancy that is not reported to us within 30 days of its publication.
  40. Severability. If any term, clause or provision hereof is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or operation of any other term, clause or provision and such invalid term, clause or provision shall be deemed to be severed from this Agreement.
  41. Arbitration. All Disputes (including any dispute relating to the arbitrability of this Agreement or any provision of this Agreement or any other dispute relating to arbitration) must be submitted to arbitration before and in accordance with the arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its commercial arbitration rules and applying the laws in effect in Orange County, California. The term “Dispute” means any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Site or the Services or this Agreement, or any breach thereof, including any claim that this Agreement, or any part of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or otherwise voidable or void.
  42. The provisions of this Arbitration Section must be construed as independent of any other covenant or provision of this Agreement; provided that if a court of competent jurisdiction or arbitrator determines that any such provisions are unlawful in any way, such court or arbitrator is to modify or interpret such provisions to the minimum extent necessary to have them comply with the law.
  43. Judgment upon an arbitration award may be entered in any court having competent jurisdiction and will be binding, final and non-appealable. You and the Site hereby waive to the fullest extent permitted by law, any right to or claim for any punitive or exemplary damages against the other and agree that in the event of a dispute between them, each shall be limited to the recovery of any actual damages sustained by it.
  44. This arbitration provision is self-executing and will remain in full force and effect after the expiration or termination of this Agreement. In the event either party fails to appear at any properly noticed arbitration proceeding, an award may be entered against such party by default or otherwise notwithstanding said failure to appear.
  45. Arbitration will take place in Orange County, California exclusively.
  46. You and the Site hereby agree that no action (whether for arbitration, damages, injunctive, equitable or other relief, including rescission) will be maintained by any party to enforce any liability or obligation of the other party, whether arising from this Agreement or otherwise, or any other Dispute, unless brought before the expiration of the earlier of one year from the occurrence of the facts giving rise to such claims or within 90 days from either the actual discovery of the facts giving rise to such claims or from the date on which the party should have, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, discovered such facts.
  47. The obligation to arbitrate is not binding upon the Site with respect to claims relating to its trademarks, service marks, patents, copyrights, or other intellectual-property rights, or requests for temporary restraining orders, preliminary injunctions or other procedures in a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain interim relief when deemed necessary by such court to preserve the status quo or prevent irreparable injury pending resolution by arbitration of the actual dispute between the parties.
  48. The prevailing party will be entitled to receive from the non-prevailing party its costs relating to the arbitration proceeding including but not limited to, the arbitrator’s fees, attorneys’ fees and costs, witness fees, transcription fees, etc. and sales and use taxes thereon, if any.
  49. You and the Site each acknowledges and agrees that it is the intent of the parties that arbitration and litigation between the parties will be of the parties’ individual claims, and that none of their respective claims may be arbitrated or litigated on a class-wide basis.
  50. Cancellation By Model (cam-model). You may cancel your membership/registration and your account at any time by sending us an email, confirming your full name, date of birth, from the email address you have on file with us. You agree to be personally liable for any and all charges incurred by your account, username and password until you terminate your membership as provided herein. In the event that you cancel your account, you will be responsible for refunds to clients for unfulfilled purchases. No funds will be credited to you or will be converted to cash or other form of reimbursement or passed on to you after the date of your cancellation. Upon our processing of your request to cancel your membership, you will no longer have access to the non-public areas of the Service.  You will no longer have access to any of the accounts that we registered for you (social media, modeling sites, or any other places where we registered you).. You will no longer have access to the website or email account(s) we created for you.  You will not have the right or claim to any monikers, screen names, logos, avatars, or any other virtual or real items that have been created for you either by us, you, or anyone else during your period of registration with eFlutter.com or its subsidiaries or partners and you will make no claims for these items.  You will be responsible for completing the sale any items purchased by clients and that you have promised to ship, such as and not limited to: photographs, clothing items, toys, etc.  In the event that you do not complete obligations, eFlutter.com has the right to make any claims against you to which eFlutter.com incurred a loss due to your non-fulfillment of obligations, including loss of money, reputation, or other.
  51. Termination By the Site. Without limiting other remedies, the Service may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend, indefinitely suspend, or terminate your access and use of the Service and refuse to provide services to you at any time, with or without advance notice, if: (a) the Site believes that you have breached any of these Terms and Conditions; (b) we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us; (c) we believe that your actions may cause legal liability for you, our users or us; or (d) the Site decides to cease operations or to otherwise discontinue any of the Site or parts thereof. You agree that neither the Site, nor any third party acting on our behalf, shall be liable to you for any termination of your membership/account or access to the Service. You agree that if your account is terminated by us, you will not attempt to re-register as a user without prior written consent from the Site.
  52. After Termination or Cancellation. You accept that when you cancel your membership with the Service you will be automatically locked out of the Service.  You will be  unable to access your account on the Service.  You also agree and accept that upon cancellation your account, we have no obligation to maintain or store any mail or other membership materials and that such information may be irretrievable.
  53. Indemnification. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the Site and its affiliates, successors, assigns, officers, employees, agents, directors, shareholders and attorneys harmless from and against any and all claims and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys’ and experts’ fees, related to or arising from: (i) any breach by you of this Agreement; (ii) your use (or misuse) of the Service, Site and/or Promotional Materials; (iii) all conduct and activities occurring using your account and/or Referral Sites, if any; (iv) any item or service sold or advertised in connection with your Referral Sites, if any; (v) any defamatory, libelous or illegal material(s) contained within your Content or your information or data; (vi) any claim or contention that your Referral Sites, if any, contain information, data or other materials which infringes any third party’s patent, copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights or violates any third party’s rights of privacy or publicity; (vii) third-party access or use of any Promotional Materials provided to you; (viii) any claim related to your website(s); (ix) any costs incurred on your behalf as a result of your failure to comply with local or federal laws of the United States; and/or (x) any violation of this Agreement. We reserve the right, at our expense, to participate in the defense of any matter otherwise subject to indemnification from you, but shall have no obligation to do so, and we are permitted by this Agreement to later seek indemnification from you. You shall not settle any such claim or liability without the prior written consent of the Site. You understand that we will take any and all measures to protect ourselves from any legal or civil litigation including, but not limited to canceling your account, in our sole discretion. You also understand that we will charge on an hourly basis for any and all time spent responding to any third-party complaints, disputes, copyright claims or actions involving you or your Referral Sites.


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